Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor at the Department of Translation and Linguistics, International Humanitarian University, Odesa, Ukraine
Nataliia Shkvorchenko
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Translation and Linguistics, International Humanitarian University, Odesa, Ukraine
Ihor Peresada
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of German and Oriental Languages, International Humanitarian University, Odesa, Ukraine
Key words: German-Slavic commonality, Ynglinga saga, the Book of Veles, etymology of ethnos, Swedes, Rus, common root, Mother-SVA (Slavs) and Moder Svea (Swedes).
The article is dedicated to the problem of the origin of the Swedes tribe against the background of Indo-European ethnogenesis in comparison with the Rus tribe, which were formed on the basis of territorial and pagan proximity to a relatively single ethnic group and a super-language (koine) on the Don. The study is based on the mythological material of the Ynglinga saga and the Book of Veles, lexicographic, toponymic features of the indicated tribes, in which the roots of the ethnic groups stand out. The latter is confirmed in Finnish names regarding the country of Sweden, which the Finns call Ruotsi, Ruossi, Ruohti, Ruotti, the Votes – Rôtsi, the Estonians – Rôťs, on the other hand, the name of the country Sweden has the ancient forms of Swes, Sues, Swēorice “Kingdom of the Swedes” and modern with the meaning “Sweden”: Icelandic Svíþjóð, Swedish Sverige. The origin of the Slavic and German ethnic groups occurred during the period of cohabitation of these peoples in the Indo-European proto-ethnics on the banks of the Don River, approximately in the second millennium BC.
These origins include the origin of Indo-European root of kweruki, which the names of the ethnic groups are evolved from: * kweruχi (palatalization)> rusi> rusy “Rus” and * kwеruki ~ * ruti (substitution)> fin. ruotsi “swedes”. The Indo-European root of *kwa in the meaning of “Universe, God” is the origin of Germanic *sve- / swe-, which gave birth to the names of Suionen (Tacitus), Swēorice “Kingdom of the Swedes” and Swerikl, Swealand, Swithiod, as well as Latin Svedia, Svecia, Sveonia with the meaning “Sweden”.
The above is proved by the presence of the common goddess Mother-SVA (Slavs) and Moder Svea (Swedes).
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