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Yukhymets S. Yu., Klachkova L. V.pdf

Key words: television news discourse, prevalent characteristics, actualization means, typologically distant languages.

The article deals with the study of prevalent characteristics of television news discourse overwhelming both the communicative and functional aspect of this phenomenon. The all-level actualization means are analyzed and the dominant features common for typologically distant languages are outlined.

Phedorinchyk A. S.pdf

Key words: ditransitivity, agent, recipient, theme, markers, transitivity.

The article reviews possible actant orientations in ditransitive constructions (sentences with agent, recipient and theme), the problem of selection of “basic” predicates for such constructions as well as morphosyntactic means used to discriminate the respective participants. As a result of the study, we outlined possible strategies of participant coding in such constructions.

Turmys O. V.pdf

Key words: utterances of partial or zero predication, nominative sentence, multiple interpretations.

The article considers formal and semantic characteristics of the so called “nominative sentences” — a particular type of partial or zero predication utterances (UP/ZP), focusing upon the allomorphic and isomorphic parameters of their usage in modern Ukrainian and English fiction. The rocketing increase in occurrence frequency of UP/ZP types is revealed for the artistic discourse of the 21 c. The phenomenon of multiple interpretations is argued and described.

References and notes

Образцова О. В. Висловлення з частковою або нульовою предикацією в системі сучасної англійської мови (на матеріалі художньої прози ХХІ століття) / О. В. Образцова, О.М. Образцова. — Одеса: Освіта України, 2015. — 262 с.

Александрова В. Г. Когнітивно-комунікативний потенціал еліптичного речення в сучасніій англійській мові : дис.. … канд.. філол. наук : 10.02.04 / В. Г. Александрова. — Одеса, 2008. — 234 с.

Морозова І. Б. Таксономія елементарних комунікативних одиниць у сучасній англійській мові : дис. ... доктора філол. наук. 10.02.04 / Ірина Борисівна Морозова. — Одеса : ОНУ ім. Мечникова І. І., 2010. — 432 c.

Шульжук К. Ф. Синаксис української мови: підручник. — К.: Видавничий центр «Академія», 2004. — 408 с.

Дудик П. С. Синаксис української мови: підручник / Дудик П. С., Прокопчук Л. В.. — К.: ВЦ «Академія», 2010. — 384 с.

Слинько І. І. Синтаксис сучасної української мови: Проблемні питання: навч. посібник / Слинько І. І., Н. В. Гуйванюк, Кобилянська М. Ф.. — К.: Вища шк., 1994. — 670 с.

Гак В. Г. Теоретическая грамматика французского языка / В. Г.  Гак. — М.: Добросвет, 2000. — 832 с.

The best books published during the 21st century. — — (date of reference: January–October, 2010) —;

Illustrative sources

Андрухович Ю. Таємниця. Замість роману. —

Винничук Ю. Танґо смерті. —

Дереш Л. Культ. —

Brown D Angels & Demons. —

Hosseini Kh. The Kite Runner / Kh. Hosseini [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу : //

Haddon M. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time / M. Haddon [Електрон­ний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: //

Setterfield D. The Thirteenth Tale. —

McCarthy C. The Road.

Svyatchenko V. V.

Key words: naturalism, the language system, phonetic law, language, language family, the theory of “the genealogical tree” of Indo-European languages.

The article examines the work of German linguist A. Shleicher, founder of the naturalistic trends in linguistics. The author noted that Shleicher was the first linguist who tried to reconstruct the Indo-European language as a system of forms, which played an important role in the development of the methodology of reconstruction of a language system. Shleicher noted the contribution in the reconstruction of the phonetic laws.

Оськіна Н. О.pdf

Key words: national culture, connotation, connotative lexis, equivalent and nonequivalent lexis, identical lexis.

Connotative lexis in the Chinese and Ukrainian languages was characterized in accordance with the four groups: equivalent connotative lexis, nonequivalent connotative lexis, identical lexis with different connotative meanings and identical lexis with partly different connotative meanings.

Naumenko A. M.pdf

Key words: translation, Eurocentric, periodization, civilization, types of translation, literal, free, adequate.

The article is devoted to the analysis of the types and the history of the Eurocentric translation as one of the ethnic translation schools. The Eurocentric translation is treated as a civilizational and not as a geographical phenomenon. The roots of the Eurocentric translation can be traced back to chronologically pre-European civilizations: Christian, Ancient Greece, Rome, Hittite, Sumerian.

Kozytska O. A.pdf

Key words: additional construction, complete additional sentence, incomplete additional sentence, additional coordinating conjunctions, principal clause.

The using of the additional coordinating conjunctions for correlation on the basis of semantic and grammar independence of the principal clause and the subordinate constructions is studied in the article. The structural aspect of the additional sentences is ascertained. The study found that construction of connecting coordinated conjunctions and unifying сontending semantics are increasingly used in modern art texts to enhance linguistic expression.

Druzhina T. A.pdf

Key words: the folklore discourse, traditional and modern culture, the riddle, the genre.

The article deals with the specifics of the realization of texts of a riddle as a genre of the folklore discourse in traditional and modern culture. This genre is described in the context of socio-cultural, communicative, cognitive and linguistic factors. According to the varied use conditions of this genre, we can point out modifications in the sphere of functioning of a riddle and the specifics of its images and their linguistic representation. The ability of a riddle to respond to the socio-cultural changes allows it to stay in an actual sphere of collective consciousness at any historical period.

Derik I. M.pdf

Key words: scientific discourse, translation strategies and tactics, communicative approach.

The article deals with the study of the contemporary scientific discourse focusing on the peculiarities of its translation according to the communicative approach. The dominant translation strategies and tactics peculiar for scientific discourse translation are outlined and analyzed.

References and notes

Bell R. T. Translation and Translating/ Bell R. T.. — London; New York: Longman,1991. — 400 p.

Borbot’ko V. G. Prinicipy formirovanija diskursa: Ot psiholingvistiki k lingvosinergetike/ Borbot V. G.’ko. — M.: Knizhnyj dom “Librokom”, 2009. — 288 S.

Dijk van T. A. Principles of Critical Discourse Analysis / T. A. van Dijk // The sociolinguistic Reader. — 1998. — Vol. 2: Gender and Discourse. — P. 367–393.

Issers O. S. Kommunikativnyje strategii i taktiki russkoj rechi/ Issers O. S.. — Omsk, 2006. — 288 S.

Karasik V. I. Jazykovoj krug: lichnost’, koncepty, diskurs / Karasik V. I.. — Volgograd: Peremena. 2002. — 477 S.

Sdobnikov V. V. Strategy and Tactics of Translating Special Texts/ Sdobnikov V. V. // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. — Iss. 6. — P. 861–867.

Stepanov Yu.S. Al’ternativnyj mir, Diskurs, fakt i princip prichinnosti/ Yu.S. Stepanov // Jazyk i nauka konca 20 veka. — M.: RAN, 1996. — S.37–73.