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Grushko S. P.pdf

Key words: scientific and technical literature, media texts, media educational approaches, pedagogical conditions.

The article focuses on the problems of communication skills of future translators of scientific and technical literature using media tools. This vector defines the purpose of the proposed research study — identifying opportunities for the use of media educational approach (interpretation of popular science, scientific periodicals) whilst training of future professional interpreters. On the basis of the analysis of scientific papers, pedagogical conditions of professional competence’s formation of the future translators by means of modern media educational approaches are identified. This contributes to the formation of effective information and communication skills of students-translators. It is emphasized that the translation of scientific and technical texts is a conceptual cross-language key, able to transmit the essence of the latter, being a cross-cultural transfer media objects, scientific and technical realities.

Burkovska O. Y.pdf

Key words: nominative, subject, predicate, main part of the sentence, one-member sentence.

The article deals with the linguistic-historiographical research of nominative one-member sentence in the linguistics. Different views of linguists on the problem of the syntactical function of the main part of the nominative sentences, which can be named as the subject, the predicate or simply the main part of the sentence are outlined in the article.

Brovchenko T. A., Korolova T. M.pdf

Key words: syllable production and division, acoustic level, contrastive analysis, phonematic structure.

The survey of some theories of syllable production and division are presented in the article. A universal defenition of a syllable at acoustic level is given.

Contrastive analysis of English and Ukrainian syllables makes it possible to say that the nature of the main principles of syllable formation and division are the same in the two languages. There exists certain difference in the rules of correlation of two components of a syllable total energy — intensity and duration, which depends upon the phonematic structure of the English and Ukrainian languages. There are some specific features in the structure of syllables, in the rules of syllable division in English and Ukrainian.

References and notes

Panconcelli-Caltzia G. Die experimentalle Phonetic in ihrer Anwendung auf die Sprachwissenschaft. — Berlin, 1924. — 64 p.

Stevens N. Articulatory-acoustic-auditory relationships. — Hardcastle, 1997. — P. 462–506.

Vassillyev V. A., Burenkova O. V., Katanskaya A. R., Lukina N. D., Maslova L. P., Torsueva E. I. English phonetics. — Leningrad, 1962. — 384 p.

Бровченко Т. А. Проблемы словесного ударения: автореф. дис. ... д-ра філол. наук.  Ленинград: ЛГУ, 1973. — 45 с.

Зиндер Л. Р. Общая фонетика. — М.: Высш. шк., 1979. — 311 с.

Yumrukuz А. А.pdf

Key words: prosody, speech act of consent, consent-react, consent-accept, consent-verification, English dialogical business discourse.

The article is focused on the prosody of the speech act of consent in the English dialogical business-discourse which is analyzed in accordance with the speaker’s communicative intentions — orientation to the performance of a certain action (consent-react), consent to the interlocutor’s opinion (consent-accept), or verification of the factual information (consent-verification). As the result of instrumental study the common and differentiating for all types of consent prosodic features are determined; among the latest are: the level of Fo, intrasyllabic interval, range of Fo, level and interval of intensity, average syllable duration, duration of pauses.

Taranets V. H., Stupak I. V.pdf

Key words: Indo-European parent language, root *âr-, Slavic languages, diachronic constant, tribes migration.

The article describes the realizations of the Indo-European root *âr- with the meaning ‘аryan’, ’farmer’ which has proved that in Slavic languages the development of this root as PSl. *ôr- (in old ukr. ir-) takes place as opposed to other languages. This typological characteristic of Slavic languages has been analyzed as “diachronic constant” and dominant of Slavic ethnos migration in ancient times, particularly, to Northern Pomor’e, Italy, Iran, India.

Steriopolo O. I.pdf

Key words: text categories, oral speech, communicative and pragmatic categories.

The study is devoted to communicative and pragmatic aspects of oral speech. The proposed system of communicative and pragmatic categories of oral communication contributes to the solution of oral text theoretical and applied aspects, first of all to identifying real correlations between semantics, pragmatics, prosody, segmental phonetics and phonology in oral communication.

Obraztsova O. M., Obraztsova O. V.pdf

Key words: interjectional utterance (sentence), pragmatic and communicative content, translation, adequacy of translation

The article considers the problem of translating vocatives (utterances-interjections). Vocatives concise form provokes their communicatively based multiple semantics. The authors ground up the necessity to take into account the Source text formal syntactic and punctuation features; show certain regularity and variation in translating vocatives, depending upon the utterances semantics. The conclusions are based upon the results of the complex comparative analyses of the vocatives form, communicative and pragmatic contents in the source texts as well as the ways of rendering original vocatives in the target texts. Special attention is focused at the level of the respective Source-Target texts fragments adequacy; revealing the inadequacy potential reasons and consequences.

Naumenko A. M.pdf

Key words: history, language, translation, culture, dialogue.

This article is devoted to the analysis of linguistical, culturological and philosophic arguments for and contra dialogues of cultures.